The Principal Architect


Michio Fujinami was born in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan. After obtaining his Bachelor of Architecture degree from Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan, he went on to work at the global department of a major Japanese construction firm in Japan for almost a decade.

Shortly after attaining the First Class Architect licence to qualify as a licensed architect in Japan, he ventured out of Japan to seek better opportunities overseas. He founded his own architecture firm, Fujinami Architects & Associates (FAA) in Singapore in 1989. Then, FAA was one of the first registered Japanese architecture firms in Singapore. By the year 2000, FAA has completed more than 150 projects in Singapore and regionally, and was awarded the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore (BCA)’s Best Buildable Design Award in 1999 for Sumitomo Warehouse, Singapore.

In 2004, seeing the rapid growth that the developing markets around the region was experiencing, he took the step of expanding FAA’s professional services overseas, establishing Fujinami Construction Consultant Co., Ltd. (FCC) in Ho Chi Minh City,  Vietnam. He also went on to expand his services in Vietnam with the establishment of a branch office in Hanoi. Since then, he has overseen the completion of over 50 projects in Vietnam and has close collaborations with esteemed partners, such as ACSC.


1972年、芝浦工業大学卒業後、株式会社中野組(現在株式会社ナカノフドー建設)に入社。海外建設部に配属され、様々な海外建設事業を担当した。一級建築士資格を取得後、退社まもなく渡星し、1989年にシンガポールで藤波建築設計事務所を創立した。当時のシンガポールでは、数少ない日系の建築設計事務所であった。2000年までに150以上のプロジェクトの設計を担当し、1999年にBCA(シンガポール建設局)の Best Buildable Design Award を受賞した。2004年にベトナムのホーチミンに進出し、設立したFCC(藤波建設コンサルタント)を通して、意匠設計も含めて構造や設備などのデザインサービスを提供する。現在に至るまでに、すでに50以上のプロジェクトを完了した。